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Now its Time to Stock Your Freezer

Reserved your 2024 Hog NOW

Butcher Pigs (Approx. 150 to 250 lbs Hanging Weight) We try to get IPP Pigs up to 200 hanging weight

Butchering costs paid by purchaser, I have a custom butcher that I use in Tonasket, Washington. Delivery to them is included in the price. 

Reserved your 2024 Hog NOW


Reserved NOW

  • Locally-Raised NON-GMO Pastured-Pork

  • Locally-Raised NON-GMO Pastured-Pork

  • $390 down (non-refundable) for Whole Hog this includes the slaughters fee.

  • $380 down (non-refundable) for Half Hog.

  • This can be done on PayPal or Credit Card.

  • Balance due at pick up. 

  • Just remember that IPP Pigs take up to 9 to 11 months to get to Butcher weight 


Feeder Pigs

  • Raise your own pig(s) for delectable, home grown pork, you & your family will love.

  • Feeder / Meat market piglets are available at 8 weeks of age. While these are sired and farrowed from registered IPP parents, they are not registered. We only register breeder quality piglets.

  • Unregistered feeders: starting at $150.00


Butcher Hogs

  • No room to grow out your own pig?  Have us grow an IPP out for you. These pigs mature to market weight within about 9 – 10 months (eating primarily grass) and eat less grain than the average meat hog does. Once ready, The butcher comes to the farm and does an on-farm slaughter. This is the most humane/stress free method which consequently also lends itself to the highest end quality product. The whole hanging weight is typically around 190 to 250 pounds, (or half 85 to 150 pounds) with a yield of packaged meat that is around 70% of the hanging weight. If you want a Live Butcher Hog and you want to pick it up and process it your self, the price is between $700 to 1500.00. 

Please Note:

  • When the animal goes to processing the balance (based on the hanging carcass weight) is $5.50 per pound and must be paid to us before the meat can be picked up from the processor.

  • The processor charges additional fees for smoking, curing, and sometimes for the packaging of specialty meats such as the heart, liver, tail, tongue, bones, and fat trimmings.

  • The customer must provide the butcher with any instructions indicating how they want the meat processed (what cuts, curing, smoking, etc).

  • Customer will be notified by the processor when the meat order is complete and ready for pick up.  At that time the customer will pick up the order directly from the processor and pay the processors fees as described above. Pigs our delivered to our processor Doubles S Meats in Tonasket, Washington. 

All 2023 IPP Feeders are SOLD

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Denise Johnson & Steve Pearson

311 Customs RD
Curlew, WA 99118

509-207-5315 or 509-207-9440​

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